
torek, 30. oktober 2012

Jesensko pisana objava, drugič / Autumn creations - part two

Tu je še obljubljen tretješolski toplo-hladni kontrast:

Here come the 3rdgraders with their warm-cold contrast:

Avtor Sherlocka Holmesa je očitno ustvarjalna dušica,
ker je imel spet čisto svojo idejo - izbral si je brezo ;) :
The author of Sherlock Holmes seems to be a very creative chap.
This time he chose something very unique- a birch tree:

Razredna galerija:
The class gallery:

Meni se zdijo prav mojstrske! 
Več podobnih dreves si oglejte v včerajšnji objavi.
I find these paintings a real piece of art!
You can see similar trees in yesterday`s post.

ponedeljek, 29. oktober 2012

Jesensko pisana objava, prvič / Autumn creations - part one

Toplo-hladnega kontrasta smo se lotili z jesenskimi drevesi.
Takšna so ustvarili drugošolci.
By using autumn trees we wanted to do the warm- cold contrast.
This what the 2nd graders would like to show you:
        This tree served as an inspiration. Masterpieces of the 3rd graders are still to come.
Najprej smo se lotili podlage v hladnih odtenkih:
 At first, we did the foundation in cold shades:

Nato smo se trudili izrezati lepa drevesa:
Then we tried to cut out beautiful trees:

Potem smo jih prilepili na podlage:
After that, we decided to stick them on a foundation:

Na koncu pa smo se igrali z bogatimi jesensko pisanimi krošnjami v toplih barvah:
In the end, we played with rich and colourful autumn warm shades treetops:

In tu so rezultati truda:
And here are the results of our hard work:

Tudi če enkrat manjkaš, se da narediti lep izdelek:
Even if you sometimes miss it out, you can still make something very nice:
Kot inspiracija je služilo tole drevo.
Na lagerju imam še tretješolske mojstrovine.
This tree served as an inspiration.
Masterpieces of the 3rd graders are still to come.

nedelja, 28. oktober 2012

Pa je tu čas, ko nas zebe v noge... / Here comes the time when our feet get cold…

Ampak tudi za to obstajajo rešitve!
Tukaj je šopek navodil za pletenje nogavic :)

But don’t worry; the situation isn’t hopeless, as you might think!
Here you have a bunch of instructions on how to knit stockings:
Socks tutorial - Double Helix

Pinned Image

Pinned Image

Pinned Image

Verjetno bo komu prišlo prav znanje, kako plesti obe nogavici hkrati -
tega tudi jaz še nisem počela...

It will be very handy to find out how to knit both stockings at the same time- I haven’t tried that yet for myself…

Še nekaj "višje znanosti" o pletenju pet:
Joga-nogavice bodo eden od mojih naslednjih projektov...
Yoga-socks for me...
Knit Yoga Socks 
Že pred časom sem našla tudi te nogavice.
Tele so pa za idejo:
Just an idea:
Pinned Image
več takšnih je na
Veselo kliklakanje pletilk želim!!
Happy knitting!

sobota, 27. oktober 2012

Še slovenska verzija / A Slovene version

Na Dom in Stil najdete koledar, poln krasnih ilustracij slovenskih ustvarjalk.
Lahko si ga natisnete, kakor vam je drago:
Foto: Dom in Stil
Tukaj pa lahko najdete brezplačen sovast koledar.
At Dom in Stil you can find a calendar that is full of Slovenian illustrations.
If you like it, you can print it.
Here you can get a free owl calendar.

petek, 26. oktober 2012

Kvadratki, vreče in okroglih 50 tisoč!! / Squares, cuddles and round fifty thousand!!

Ste že začele??
Naš novembrski KNIT-A-SQUARE rok se približuje,
jaz pa sem tokrat kar malo pozabila na to...
Pa evo popravljam napako in pletem, da se kar kadi...
Moj cilj sta vsaj dve spalni vreči, nekaj toplih kap
in še kakšna žogica marogica zapovrh.
Predviden rok je 10. november.
Še dobro, da bo zdaj nekaj praznikov in dopusta!
Za konec in ob okrogli številki tegale pisanega bloga vam še prišepnem,
da bomo spet podarjali. Ostanite tukaj!
Have you already started?? Our November KNIT-A-SQUARE  deadline is approaching, but this time I kind of forgot about it… well, I am getting better and I am knitting as fast as I can…my goal is to make at least two sleeping bags, some warm hats and maybe a ball or two…
Deadline is 10th November.
Thank god, holidays are coming!
In the end and because it`s time to celebrate the anniversary of this colourful blog, I am giving you a hint that we will be again giving away presents if you hang around. So, stick around and you might get a gift!! 

četrtek, 25. oktober 2012

Free sovast koledar / Free owl calendar

Na My Owl Barn je že na voljo nov brezplačen sovast koledarček.
foto: My Owl Barn

At My Owl Barnyou can get a free owl calendar.

sreda, 24. oktober 2012

Ste že razmišljali o darilih? / Have you thought about presents yet?

Predlagam malenkost, ki je plod sodelovanja lepihmalihstvari in portala Dom in Stil.
Izdelajte takšne preproste obeske, ki so super primerni tudi za ustvarjanje z otroki:
foto: Dom in Stil
Natančna navodila najdete na Dom in Stil.
I suggest something that combines the two sites: lepemalestvari and Dom in Stil.
You can make simple pendants that are super cool because you can make them with kids.
Exact instructions obtained at Dom in Stil.

ponedeljek, 22. oktober 2012

Še en teaser... / Another teaser...

V zadnji rundi člankov sem reciklirala tudi gobeline.
Take taprave, res velike.
Ja, ves trud, vse dolge ure vbadanja igle so šle pod škarje.
Nekaj je bilo tudi mojih iz rosnih otroških let,
za katere nisem niti vedela, da jih je mama shranila...

In my last pile of articles I also recycled Gobelin tapestries, the real ones and the big ones. Yes, the scissors have replaced all the hard work done by stitching needles. Some of the Gobelins were part of my childhood heritage and I had no idea that mum had saved them…

Več o tem, ko bo članek zunaj.
More about the whole procedure after the release of the article. 

sobota, 20. oktober 2012

Še enkrat knjižni junaki / Book heroes - they are back

Drugošolske mojstrovine ste že videli,
tretješolci pa so zastavili bolj srhljivo:

You have already seen the masterpiece of the 2nd graders.
The 3rd graders have chosen more of a “creepy” version…

Koliko osemletnikov poznate, ki berejo Sherlocka Holmesa??
Jaz do zdaj nisem niti enega...
How many 8 year olds you know that read Sherlock Holmes???? I haven’t met anyone until now…

petek, 19. oktober 2012

Čas teče... / Time goes by…

... in vmes kar pozabim na kakšno zanimivo stvar.
Pred par tedni so se zgodile Odprte hiše Slovenije
in vredno je pokazat kakšno sliko.

…and somehow I forgot to inform you about some interesting stuff.
Few weeks ago there was an event of OdprtehišeSlovenije
and I think it`s worth showing some pictures:
Vrt / igrišče za slepe in slabovidne na Viču, prijetna izkušnja tudi za videče.

A garden/a playground for blind and visually impaired people in Vič; a pleasant experience for everybody else as well.

Hiša Atrij v Kosezah, res zanimiva nizkoproračunska prenova.
A house Atrium in Koseze, a really interesting low-budget renovation.

Klemen in Klara sta pa že sama vse lepo poslikala in dokumentirala
na Handmade in Moste. In ker nikakor ne morem napisat kometarja
pri njiju, napišem tukaj, da je bilo kljub lužam v čevljih luštno na obisku :)

Klemen and Klara have already made photos and comments at Handmade in Moste.
All I can add is that it was a really nice visit despite of puddles in my shoes…. 

četrtek, 18. oktober 2012

Moja najljubša žajfica / My favourite little soap

eden mojih najljubših kozmetičnih izdelkov za obraz.
Ker pa sem praktične sorte in ne maram kupov različnih
kremic in še sto ostalih drobnarij, sem šla preizkusit,
ali lahko milo združim s pilingom in sem svojo žajfico sfilcala.
Uporabila sem merino volno in obnese se!

O filcanju mila sem pisala že tukaj,
natančna navodila za filcanje mila pa so lepo prikazana na
Če se bo tega lotila še katera, naj povem,
da ta rešitev najbrž ni najboljša za ljudi z nežnejšo kožo.
Če ima kdo kakšno podobno izkušnjo,
pa kar napišite, mogoče pride prav še komu!
Vsem želim vesela ustvarjanja!
For a while now I`ve considered Ulola`s soap with tea tree plant and clay as one of my favourite facial cosmetics products. Since I am more of a practical person who doesn’t like going around and buying all sort of different creams I wanted to see if I could make a so called “peeling soap” by felting it. I used merino wool and it worked!
I have already written about soap and felt, exact instructions can be obtained at
In case if anyone wants to try it, I guess I should tell you that this is not suitable for people with sensitive skin.
If someone has similar experience, please let me know…