Pravzaprav smo hoteli samo pripravit podlage za naš naslednji izdelek.
Naloga je bila namešati vsaj nekaj barv iz treh osnovnih.
Pa je bilo tako fino, da smo naredili že kar slike ;)
Se bomo naslednjič odločili, kaj z njimi...
At first we wanted to make a foundation for our next picture. The main task was to blend some colours out of three base colours. This turned out to be so much fun that in the end we madepictures out of it. Next time we`ll decide what to do with them…
Tole je najboljši izdelek, sicer delo zelo posebnega učenca.
Še dobro, da sem ga uspela tukaj ujet v objektiv,
čez nekaj minut je namreč z veliiikim užitkom na listu zmešal prav vse.
To pomeni, da je njegova podlaga zdaj prav lepo enotno jesensko rjava...
This is our best picture. I was lucky to catch it with my camera, because after few minutes
the pupil gladly re-blended all the colours which resulted in a new foundation - brown as an autumn…
This is our best picture. I was lucky to catch it with my camera, because after few minutes
the pupil gladly re-blended all the colours which resulted in a new foundation - brown as an autumn…
Škoda, še vedno ne vem, kdaj točno in koga moram pri delu ustavit.
Po eni strani mi srce ne da, ker vem in vidim, da pač morajo po svoje raziskovat,
po drugi strani pa me veže načrt, saj poznate - je v pomoč ampak omejuje...
it`s a real pity that I still don’t know when and who exactly I have to stop at their creation.
On one side, I am aware of the fact that they need to be creative in their own way,
but on the other side, I am bound by the syllabus - you know, the syllabus is helpful,
but it can also present a limitation for kids…ok, that is already another story...
On one side, I am aware of the fact that they need to be creative in their own way,
but on the other side, I am bound by the syllabus - you know, the syllabus is helpful,
but it can also present a limitation for kids…ok, that is already another story...
...ampak to je že druga zgodba, o kateri tukaj ne bomo :)
...which we won`t discuss right now :)
...which we won`t discuss right now :)
Še ena malo drugače temperamentna:
Preproste osnove nauka o barvah najdete tukaj, naj vam bo v pomoč.
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